diciembre 20, 2011

La Storia Di O

 A dead pidgeon's fresh meat, killed using a sharp-edged stone with a slingshot. That was Olivia's strict morning diet. Her mother would find her with a blood-stained mouth, and a few little feathers sticking to her cheek.

 Despite being in such a state, Olivia's beauty was striking. Her silky skin and thick lips were only shadowed by her starry blue eyes. Bright black hair hung like a delicate curtain behind her nape. Many men fell for her charms, but all of them refuse to talk about it, shrinking in fear when anybody asks.

 Girl gossip mostly centered it's attention on her. Fear and envy are the main sources of hatred. Olivia never a heard a word of that, but she could feel it, she fed on it. A neutral, foreign viewer might not understand, since she looks like a normal girl the first time you see her, albeit sad and gloomy. She could be spotted everyday during the afternoon, reading a book in the shade of a tree. She would spend hours like that.
 Olivia often talked about death. Her many suicide attempts were famous over town, she had always been found hesitating, as if waiting for a right  moment that never came. Her parents made her go to a therapist, and to many doctors due to her peculiar eating disorder, but all of them claimed there was nothing wrong with the girl.
 The 16th of each month, Olivia would carefully brush her hair and go to bed with fer finest dress, since she expected to have an important event the following day. However, nothing ever happened.
 One of those days, Olivia jumped out of bed and ran through the door. Her blue dress danced in the celerity of her running. Some saw her crossing town, but no one witnessed what was to come. Olivia finally reached the chapel, rushed in and sliced a razor through her throat. Minutes later, the priest found her body amidst a blood patch.

 Queen O awoke at midnight. The moonlight filtered through the vitreaux granted the marble floors a mystical resplendence. Everyone was there, quietly arising from the shadows. Goblins, banshees, phantoms, even a few succubus. A warlock held her hand and the requiem ball officially begun. Sebastien, the dark night, pierced the warlock with his cursed blade and grabbed O's waist. The Queen was most pleased.
 Rays of dark light flowed all around, sorrounding each attendant of the bizarre masquerade. Corpses from desecrated tombs joined the frightful ballet, and witches chanted eerie tunes while the walls trembled as nails cracked their surface.
 Demons danced their way out of the building and parted ways in all compass points to celebrate Queen O's assumption. After several years of slumber, their thirst was unquenchable. As it started to rain, O dashed in search of her first meal, this time not tiny, and wingless...

Andrés Gutiérrez

picture 1: Blooded Mouth, taken from melody-and-silence.blogspot.com
picture 2: Scary Dead, taken from website-design-templates-backgrounds.blogspot.com
picture 3: Demons at St. Anthony, taken from en.wikipedia.org Demon entry

diciembre 19, 2011

Blood in the Chapel

Passion pour moi 
Poison pour toi 
Passion pour moi 
Poison pour toi 

'Cause there's blood in the chapel 
Nails from the wall 
Demons are having a ball 
Blood in the chapel 
Thorn in my side 
Driving your soul open wide 

Fight the enemy 
Mass insanity 
Fight the enemy 
Temple of doom 
Magic carpet ride 
My skin petrified 
Magic carpet ride 
Flash on a broom 

Shout the magic number 
Swing the sword where I nurse 
Mantra for a rebel with a curse 

Cause there's blood in the chapel 
Nails from the wall 
Demons are having a ball 
Blood in the chapel 
Thorn in my side 
Driving your soul open wide

Be or not to be 
Catch the entity 
Be or not to be 
Trapped in a box 
Pancake in my face 
La dom on the bass 
Pancake in my face 
Trapped like a fox 

Shout the magic number 
Swing the sword where I nurse 
Mantra for a rebel with a curse 

Cause there's blood in the chapel 
Nails from the wall 
Demons are having a ball 
Blood in the chapel 
Thorn in my side 
Driving your soul open wide 

Passion pour moi 
Poison pour toi 
Passion pour moi 
Poison pour toi 

Shout the magic number 
Swing the sword where I nurse 
Mantra for a rebel with a curse 

Cause there's blood in the chapel 
Nails from the wall 
Demons are having a ball 
Blood in the chapel 
Thorn in my side 
Driving your soul open wide 

Cause there's blood in the chapel 
Nails from the wall 
Demons are having a ball 
Blood in the chapel 
Thorn in my side 
Driving your soul open wide

songs by Army of Lovers
video for La Storia di O extracted from Youtube
video for Blood in the Chapel edited by myself

noviembre 30, 2011

Carta Blanca

I always knew I didn't fit in this world. I first noticed this when I was very little. I'd play with other kids, but having fun was not the way I would describe my feelings at the time, I usually experienced a sensation of awkwardness. Sometimes I would even feel threatened by things that were supposed to be jokes and innocent, silly child games. Most people would say that I was a fool, perhaps it's true, but I think I just had a different perspective of the world.
Some say that you can tell a lot of things about a person by his or hers sense of humour. Many times I felt like I was forced to laugh, but I didn't quite understand where the fun was. I found other kids to be boring, and a whole lot of other kids must have thought I were dull. This, along causes of a different nature, made me choose to remain silent, and watch. Yes, I was a lonely boy.
Playing by myself was better, I could do whatever I wanted, but truth be told, I secretly yearned for someone whom I could relate to, and truth be told, I made sure I wouldn't find anyone like that. I had already built myself a comfort zone, my own magical kingdom, where everything made sense and I was just fine, happy enough. Without even realizing it, I made an enigma out of myself, like a frosted glass that conceals what's inside. Perhaps I wasn't strong enough, perhaps that was my nature, it doesn't matter, the fact is I wouldn't allow myself to be open to others. And then I found out something about myself that made it all clearer, or caused it all to get much worse...
I liked boys. And I was fine with that, I was happy to be gay. However, that's not enough to erase the pressure that everybody else's common sense puts over one's shoulders. At one point, I even thought "I'll have to get a girlfriend eventually". The idea terrified me. Over time I realized how ridiculous it was to even consider it, but then I was naive and weak.
Coming out, albeit accidentally, was one of the best things that could have happened to me. Even the air I breathed felt different, lighter. Consequently, I began to hang out with some friends more often, now that I knew who were real friends and who wore just a facade. However, playing by myself was still a guilty pleasure, perhaps not so guilty. I guess some things are just the way they are.
Just like in a cliche drama movie, the worst was yet to come: my encounter with love. As a teenager, I had this fallacious idea of how there were very few gays in the world, and so the first one I met would have to surely be my soulmate. It's so stupid, but at such a young age, it kept me worried and anxious. This led me, partly, to become a bit obssesive and insecure, and for one thing, jealous as hell.
Once again, I verified I was essentially different than most people, at least, than most boys my age. I had met many boys already, many of them cute, some of them sexy, but almost all of them had the intellectual potential of a drooling ameba. And also, there was a widespread uncontrolled sexual energy that drifted to a disgusting lack of values, such as faithfulness, trust, honesty. As Deleuze would say, it was the flood, and all codes were washed away. Those people were not really looking for love, not the same love I was looking for. At some point, I thought it was a sign of the times, relationships will change, and maybe I'll have to adapt myself to it. I wish I could go back in time to bitchslap me.
Everything turned out to be so complicated, and I just wanted a simple thing, a simple kind of life, "a simple man, so I could be a wife". I'm aware I'm caught in a pre-made conception of what love is, but if it makes me happy, I don't mind.
I'm giving myself carte blanche to just be myself, without holding back, no more stuff bottled up, no more apprehension of offending anyone by putting words to what I am.
I am timid. And I am oversensitive. I am a lion. I am tired and defensive. I have insecurities. It's not that I'm needy just need you to see me. There will be no more pretending. I am temperamental. And I have imperfections. And I am emotional. I am unpredictable. I am naked. I am vulnerable. I am a boy. I am opening up to you...

Andrés Gutiérrez

this entry contains quotes from "Simple kind of life" by No Doubt, and from "I am" by Christina Aguilera.

Tengo La Fe

Al cielo pido un favor, que tú me quieras a mí, deseo a morir
Que algún día tú estés por siempre conmigo, tengo la fe

Yo no sé por qué te niegas a creer, que soy quien más te ama
Y yo te haré muy feliz, tarde o temprano serás tú mi hombre

Yo sé que el cielo me va a escuchar, lo presiente mi corazón
Y al escuchar mi canción yo estoy muy segura, vendrás aquí

No temas no te haré mal, debes dejarte llevar por un mar azul
Mucho te puedo ofrecer, no te vas a arrepentir

No temas no te haré mal, debes dejarte llevar por un ave azul
Y algún día tú y yo felices seremos, tengo la fe

Te amo

song extracted from Youtube

julio 28, 2011

Innocence (no more)

No era un día especial, tampoco era ya un lugar especial. Y ahí estaba yo, sin una preocupación en el mundo. Si algo había aprendido era a ser una sombra y fundirme con el ambiente. Nada pasaba desapercibido para mí, pero eso equivale a decir que todo carecía de alguna significación importante. Y entonces lo reconocí, como un retrato en relieve agregado sobre un cuadro plano.
Entró confiado, con soltura en su andar y vanidad en su mirada. Déjà vu. Un breve instante se disfrazó de aguijón y me pinchó, sin conseguir que retroceda. Me había convertido en una figura anónima para él, de lo contrario se hubiera guardado sus encantos de seducción, que ya no me impresionaban, los conocía bien. Permanecí objeto de su atención unos cuantos minutos. Primero recibí sus gestos con frialdad, y finalmente cedí, ¿por qué no aplicar un poco de lo aprendido cuando se presenta la oportunidad?
Invadí su espacio, revestido de un descaro nuevo en mí. Trató de intimidarme con su dentadura perfecta y con ojos engreídos, pero la presa era él. Yo tenía ventaja, sabía que me deseaba, era su tipo. Me adelanté a su jugada con mis labios, y sólo entonces dejé que él crea hacerse cargo de la situación.
Como una vez hace tiempo, me escoltó a la salida. Igual que antes, me cubrió con su abrigo. Sin embargo, ahora yo estaba dispuesto a dejarlo llegar un poco más lejos, y me guió hasta un hotel que conocía. Supuse que allí conducía al resto de sus víctimas.
Un perfume rancio me recibió detrás de la puerta. Parte del aire enrarecido se debía quizás a la alfombra roja, sucia y gastada. La cama y las cortinas hacían juego, y no había mucho más, al menos nada que destaque con una iluminación tan tenue.
Sentí de repente la pared golpearse contra mi espalda. No esperaba descubrir una faceta agresiva, se me ocurrió que las personas como él tenían un diverso catálogo idiosincrático. Puso las manos en mi cintura y cargó sus pupilas de soberbia. Estuve a segundos de una reacción, pero decidí enseguida que era mejor jugar con sus reglas por un rato.
Noté sus escalofríos mientra le recorría la piel con los dedos, su excitación estalló cuando le mordí el cuello. Avancé y lo empujé violentamente sobre las sábanas. Lo até por las muñecas, un brazo con su cinto, el otro con la cuerda de las cortinas. Le gustaba. Quiso impartir un par de instrucciones y mi mano lo calló, sin tocar la boca, sólo la cabeza. Mi lengua se paseó por sus abdominales y su pecho. Entonces lo miré a los ojos, estaba extasiado. Lo observé durante un minuto, tal vez con la esperanza de que por fin recordara mi rostro, pero ya era tiempo de irse. Disfruté de la incertidumbre que nacía en sus facciones, en medio de sus jadeos lujuriosos.
Me vestí con rapidez. Él empezó a forcejear. Me di vuelta para dedicarle una última mueca antes de irme. Él no conseguía soltarse, y no lo iba a lograr. Estaba desesperado. Ahí permanecería, preso de estímulos y con ganas de más. Había perdido en su propio juego.

It was neither a special day or place, not anymore. There was I, without a care in the world. If there was something I had learned, it was to be a shadow and to merge with my sorroundings. Nothing went unnoticed by me, but that is to say that everything lacked some simportant significance. And then I recognized him, as an added embossed portrait on a flat painting.
He entered the room with confidence, loosely in his step and vanity in his eyes. Déjà vu. A brief moment disguised as a sting prodded me, without making me flinch. I had become an anonymous figure to him, otherwise he would have kept his seductive charms to himself. They did not impress me no more, I knew them well. I remained object of his attention for a while. At first, I just responded with cold gestures, but I finally gave in on purpose. Why wouldn't I apply some of the lessons learned when the opportunity arises?
I invaded his personal space, coated with a brazenness new to me. He tried to intimidate me with his perfect teeth and haughty eyes, but he was the dam. I had an advantage, I knew he wanted me. I was his type. I went ahead to his move with my lips, and only then let him take over creating the situation, not to hurt his pride.
As once in the past, he escorted me to the exit. Just like the last time, he covered me with his coat. However, now I was willing to let it go a little further, and let him lead me to some hotel he was acquainted with. I figured he'd take his other victims there.
A musty smell greeted me at the door. Part of the rarefied air was perhaps due to the red carpet, dirty and worn. The bed and the curtains matched, and there was not much else to be noticed, at least not in such dim lighting.
I suddenly felt the wall hitting against my back. I had not expected to discover he had an aggressive side, it occured to me that people like him had a varied idiosyncratic catalogue. He laid his hands on my waist and charged his pupils with arrogance. I was seconds away from a reaction, but quickly decided it was better to play by his rules for a while.
I noticed chills in his body while my fingers toured his skin, his excitement sparked when I bit his neck. I moved forward and pushed him violently upon the sheets. I tied his wrists, an arm with his belt, the other with the curtains' rope. He liked it. He wanted to impart a few directions and my hand shutted him up, without even touching his mouth, just his head. My tongue strolled through his abs and chest. Then I met his eyes, he was ecstatic. I observed for a minute, perhaps hoping he would finally remember my face, but it was time to leave. I enjoyed the uncertainty that arose in his face, in the midst of lustful panting.
I got dressed as fast as I could. He began to struggle. I turned around to spend one last grin before leaving. He could not let go, and was not going to. He was desperate. There he would stay, a prisoner of his own stimulus, and craving for more. He had lost in his own game.

Andrés Gutiérrez

Just Like Jesse James

You're struttin' into town like you're slingin' a gun
Just a small town dude with a big city attitude
Honey are ya lookin' for some trouble tonight
Well, alright

You think you're so bad, drive the women folk wild
Shoot 'em all down with the flash of your pearly smile
Honey but you met your match tonight
Oh, that's right

You think you'll knock me off my feet 'til I'm flat on the floor
'Til my heart is cryin' Indian and I'm beggin for more
So come on baby
Come on baby show me what that loaded gun is for

If you can give it I can take it
'Cause if this heart is gonna break it's gonna take a lot to break it
I know tonight somebody's gonna win the fight
So if you're so tough
Come on and prove it
You heart is down for the count and you know you're gonna lose it
Tonight you're gonna go down in flames
Just like Jesse James

You're an outlaw lover and I'm after your hide
Well you ain't so strong, won't be long 'til your hands are tied
Tonight I'm gonna take you in dead or alive
That's right

You break the laws of love in the name of desire
Take ten steps back cause I'm ready baby
Aim and fire
Baby there's nowhere you gonna run tonight
Ooh that's right

Well you've had your way with love but it's the end of the day
Now a team of wild horses couldn't drag your heart away
So come on baby
Come on baby
Come on baby you know there ain't nothing left to say

If you can give it I can take it
'Cause if this heart is gonna break it's gonna take a lot to break it
I know tonight somebody's gonna win the fight
So if you're so tough
Come on and prove it
You heart is down for the count and you know you're gonna lose it
Tonight you're gonna go down in flames
Just like Jesse James

You think you'll knock me off my feet 'til I'm flat on the floor
'Til my heart is cryin' Indian and I'm beggin for more
So come on baby
Come on baby, come on

If you can give it I can take it
'Cause if this heart is gonna break it's gonna take a lot to break it
I know tonight somebody's gonna win the fight
So if you're so tough
Come on and prove it
You heart is down for the count and you know you're gonna lose it
Tonight you're gonna go down in flames
Just like Jesse James

Tonight you're gonna go down in flames
Just like Jesse James
Tonight you're gonna go down in flames
Just like Jesse James

I'm gonna shoot you down Jesse James

song by Cher
video uploaded to Youtube by MyFavMusic123

julio 27, 2011

Long ago, someone else ago...

Confiaba en que una serie de acontecimientos escondía un sentido particular. La vida era una serie de acontecimientos. Ahora esa confianza se me antoja utópicamente sobrevalorada.
La vida es una serie de acontecimientos, pero no esconden nada en sí mismos. Tienen la fisonomía del azar y un alma camaleónica, mutante, inestable. Una vida es confusa, polisémica; varias vidas en conjunto son una historia inasible. Darles un sentido, entonces, es una pretensión osada, y sobrepasa lo arbitrario.
Y no podemos dejar de hacerlo, porque somos lo suficientemente creativos para encontrar siempre algún nuevo significado, alguna epifanía tentadora que reestructura (o desestructura) nuestra vida, y los mismos acontecimientos se dilatan y contraen en desiguales proporciones a la luz de una nueva perspectiva. Así es como vivimos de ficción en ficción.
La realidad es el más surreal de los conceptos, la idea más abstracta del imaginario colectivo.

Andrés Gutiérrez

junio 28, 2011


Me asomé a la ventana y vi las estrellas, brillaban. Era una de esas extravagantes noches en que el optimismo aflora, y la búsqueda de algo nuevo se permea de surrealismo. Porque no existe tal cosa, aunque yo sepa de antemano qué características tiene; y así, desprovisto de sentido pragmático, me lanzo a la aventura de encontrarlo.
Sin abrigos, liviano. Librado al tiempo y a sus caprichos, a su necesidad de un cambio repentino después de una larga complacencia estática. Me acompañó el sonido de mis pasos hasta una casa llena de luces, pero una vez adentro ya no pude oírlos.
Un murmullo continuo e ininteligible me rodeaba, era envolvente, contenedor, pero no significaba nada, porque no me decía nada. Caras conocidas, otras no tanto, y algunas que nunca había visto; daba igual, con ninguna era posible sentirse acompañado, y mi optimismo inicial mutó en cómodo adormecimiento.
Me invitaron unos tragos y fue lo único que necesité para dejarme llevar. La música atravesó mi cuerpo como el agua que es absorbida entre los poros de una esponja y me llenó de sentimientos, algunos inventados y otros legítimamente míos. Me serví del ritmo para sacudírmelos; quería estar vacío, ya que es la única manera y el paso previo para volver a estar lleno, y quizás eso posibilitó lo que ocurrió a continuación.
El encuentro me pareció darse en cámara lenta, como en las películas, con líneas en la imagen, colores alterados y una intensidad artificial. El aire, apenas respirable, se volvió un poco más denso. Su descaro al tocarme anuló mis defensas (inexistentes) y el vacío interno que me había procurado a mí mismo lo llenó de palabras bonitas.
Me propuso alejarnos para poder acercarnos con algún velo de intimidad. Maldije a la luna por revelar mis mejillas de color. Su mano sobre la mía era la causa. Algunos leves y rebeldes estremecimientos alteraban mi percepción de la realidad en ese momento, así que no estoy seguro de poder describirlo, lo que recuerdo es que mis latidos se confundieron con las olas mientras recibía mi primer beso. La marea subió junto con sus palabras. "Sos perfecto. Sos para mí."
Ese fragmento precioso de la costa, ahora mío para siempre, volvería a verme la semana próxima. Esperé. El único beso que me llevé esa vez (y las muchas que le siguieron) fue el del sol al amanecer. No era lo suficientemente cálido. Una buena parte del calendario me tuvo desparramando pétalos en la orilla, eran pedazos que se desprendían delicadamente de mí, y quedaban regados sobre la arena.
Comprendí desde entonces que se puede estar vacío y cargar con valijas pesadas al mismo tiempo. No hay aduanas que controlen el peso del equipaje cuando se trata de sueños rotos.

I looked out the window and saw the stars, they were shining. It was one of those outlandish nights in which optimism emerges, and the search for something new acquires a surreal feeling. And that's because there's no such thing, even though you know what it's like beforehand; and that's how I venture myself to find it with no sense of pragmatism at all.
I go out with light clothing. I moved according to the whimsical nature of time, and it's need for sudden changes after a long time of complacency. The sound of my footsteps escorted me to a light-brimming house, and once inside, I couldn't hear them anymore.
A continuos and unintelligible murmur surrounded me, but it meant nothing to me. There were familiar faces, some others not as much, and some I had never seen before. They seemed all cold to me anyway, and so my initial optimism turned into comfortable apathy.
I've been offered a few drinks, and that's all I needed to let go. The music poured through my body as if I was a sponge and filled me with feelings, some of them invented, and some others originally mine. I shook them off moving by the rhythm. I wanted to be empty, since that was the only way, and the preliminary step to be full again. Maybe that's what made possible what happened next.
It all seemed to happen in slow motion, like in the movies. That's how I met him. There were scratches on the picture, altered colours and some artificial intensity. The air was barely breathable, and it became even thicker. My defenses (practically null) were toppled by his nerve on touching me, and the void I had prepared inside of me soon was full with his sweet words.
He invited me to the beach, so we could grow closer with some veil of intimacy. I cursed at the moon for revealing my blushed cheeks. His hand grabbing mine was the reason. Some mild, rebel tremors were affecting my perception of reality by that moment, so I couldn't give an accurate description, all I remember is that my heartbeats got mixed with the sound of the waves as I was receiving my first kiss. The tide rose along with his words. "You're perfect. This was bound to happen."
That precious spot in the coast, now mine forever, would see me again the following week. I would wait. That time, however, and many more times to come, I could only get kissed by the sun as it rose in the horizon. It wasn't warm enough. A good part of the calendar had me spreading petals on the shore, fragments of myself gracefully detached over the sand.
Since then, I learned that you can be empty inside and carry heavy baggage at the same time. There are no customs offices to control the weight of luggage when it comes to broken dreams.

Andrés Gutiérrez

photo 1: taken from http://molymoon.blogspot.com/

junio 10, 2011

Flores en la Orilla

Fue sin querer, sin pensar
Y sin darme cuenta
Nos fuimos del bar
Para poder hablar sin más

Con tu jersey sin atar
Sobre mis hombros
Sólo el mar sabrá
Que tú me enseñaste allí a besar

Junto al mar tú nunca fuiste sincero
Junto al mar me conseguiste engañar

Te esperé mil noches después
Y me llevé mil besos del sol
Te dejé una flor cada vez
Antes de irme a casa

Después de ti pregunté a las estrellas
Cuántas veces más mi ingenuidad
Me hará llorar

Junto al mar tú nunca fuiste sincero
Junto al mar me conseguiste engañar

Te esperé mil noches después
Y me llevé mil besos del sol
Te dejé una flor cada vez
Antes de irme a casa

Sin tu amor mi vida será
Como una casa sin habitar
Sin tu amor mi vida se va
Y sin ti no soy nada

Me besaste para olvidar
Y me olvidaste allí junto al mar
Sumergiste mis ilusiones
Mis latidos son desde entonces
Olas del mar

song by La Oreja de Van Gogh
video uploaded by lodvgmusic09 to Youtube

mayo 31, 2011

Desencuentros (Missed Connections)

Fernando llegaba tarde. Seguro que ya todos estarían ahí. Pero a él le interesaba una sola persona, por ella se había decidido a ir esa noche. Y la vio. Verónica estaba bailando entre sus amigas, pero sola. La oportunidad era perfecta, pero sus piernas no se movieron. Después de todo, ¿quién era él? "Un pobre gil", le contestaba su cabeza ya por costumbre. Y ella tenía una vida, un novio despampanante y una reputación que mantener. Estar ahí era un error, una pérdida de tiempo, y no le valía más que para intensificar su sufrimiento, porque la tenía tan cerca, pero tan lejos.
Verónica vio a Fernando, lo saludó tímidamente con un gesto a distancia, y desvió la mirada con rapidez. Damián estaba por ahí, en algún lugar, dando vueltas, y era muy celoso. Se aseguró de que no estuviera a la vista y volvió a mirar al frente. Se moría de ganas de que Fernando le hablara, pero él ya se estaba alejando. Verónica pensó que él ni la registraba, quiso seguirlo, pero ella no podía dar el primer paso, ¿qué pasaba si la veían? Necesitaba encontrarlo un día a solas, pero nunca se veían: no se juntaban con la misma gente. Todas las noches, antes de dormir, soñaba despierta, se imaginaba a Fernando entrando a la habitación, a su cama, y a su cuerpo.
Damián estaba perdido entre risas y bromas con sus amigos. Rubio, ojos color miel, y piel tostada. Todos lo miraban, y a él le encantaba ser el centro de atención. Tenía a la chica más linda del grupo, la mejor ropa y la sonrisa más deslumbrante de todas, pero lo único que le importaba era ver todo eso reflejado en la cara de los demás. Mientras desfilaba y cosechaba guiños se cruzó de repente con Luciano, y se paralizó por unos breves instantes. No lo saludó, si lo veían hablando con él seguro que iban a pensar que él también era un maricón. Sin embargo, no se podía sacar de la cabeza ese día en que lo tuvo agachado, con la cabeza entre sus piernas, y cada vez que se masturbaba se acordaba de Luciano, nunca de su novia.
A Luciano no le importó la indiferencia de Damián, ni las miradas furtivas que creían saber un secreto horrible que él guardaba y lo escrutaba. Había una sola cosa que lo irritaba esa noche, y era lo que estaba observando, apoyado contra una pared y apretando los puños para soportar la frustración. Ahí estaba Fernando otra vez, babeándose por Verónica, no se daba cuenta de que era una cualquiera sin códigos, un envoltorio vacío, y no sospechaba que él pagaría cualquier precio por ser el objeto de su pasión. Eso no iba a ocurrir, Luciano lo sabía, y lo mataba por dentro, por eso se quedaba en donde estaba, impasible, impotente.
Macarena también tenía la atención fija en un punto. Ella era una sombra, callada y sumisa, nadie se percataba de su presencia. Pero ella se complacía y contentaba con mirar a Luciano, porque él nunca hacía nada que contradijera a sus fantasías, él nunca le rompía el corazón, él la estaba esperando. Macarena lo miraba, apoyado contra la pared, tan serio, tan varonil, y se enternecía. Seguramente un día él la iba a tomar de la mano, sí, como todo un caballero, él se iba a dar vuelta, la iba a ver, y le iba a pedir su corazón, que ya era suyo. Por eso no podía distraerse, ella tenía que seguir mirándolo, porque de ello dependía su futuro (su presente, y su pasado).
Sabrina pasó brutalmente, empujando a Macarena con el hombro e interrumpiendo sus pensamientos. Sabrina sabía muy bien cómo leer a la gente, en especial a ella misma. Ella era un animal, nadie se podía cruzar a su paso, porque ella era una femme fatale, y si alguno no lo sabía se iba a enterar esa noche. Porque sus presas nunca se escapaban, ni siquiera oponían resistencia, era inútil. Y Fernando no fue la excepción, porque lo agarró de improvisto tirándole del cinto, chocando sus cuerpos, y a partir de ese momento ella era la dueña de sus labios, su cuello también le pertenecía, y en cuestión de horas, todo su cuerpo sería para ella.
Finalmente, la noche terminó, y ningún corazón quedó satisfecho.

Fernando was late. Everyone else were already there, for sure. He was only thinking of one person though, she was the reason why he decided to go out that night. And he saw her. Verónica was dancing amidst her friends, but by herself. Although it was the perfect opportunity, his legs wouldn't move. After all, who was he? "A silly fool", was his mind immediate answer. And she had a life, a stunning boyfriend and a reputation to live up to. Being there was a mistake, a waste of time, it only helped his suffering to grow stronger, since she was so near, and yet so far.
Verónica saw Fernando, she shyly greeted him from afar, and then quickly turned her eyes away. Damián was near, somewhere, hanging around, and he was a jealous kind of guy. She made sure he wasn't in sight and looked to where Fernando was again. She was dying for him to talk to her, but he was already walking away. Verónica thought he might not be interested in her at all, and meant to follow him, but she couldn't take the first step, what if somebody was watching? She needed a moment with him alone, but they were never together: they did not hang out with the same people. Every night, before falling asleep, she fantasized, she imagined him going into her room, into her bed, and into her body.
Damián was lost between jokes and laughter with his friends. Blond, hazel eyes, and tanned skin. Everyone admired him, and he loved being the center of attention. His girl, his clothes and his smile, they all were the best to be found, but the only thing he really cared about was the reflecion of those assets in the face of others. As he paraded around and collected winks he suddenly ran into Luciano, and he froze for a brief moment. He didn't bother to say hi, if people saw him talking to Luciano, they would think he was a fag too. However, he could never forget that day in which he had Luciano in front of him, crouching, with his head between his legs, and every time he masturbated he thought of Luciano, never of his girlfriend.
Luciano didn't care about Damián's apathy, or about the glances that scrutinized him, thinking they might discover some hideous secret he was hiding. There was only one thing irritating him that night, and he was staring right at it while he leaned against a wall, with his fists clenched just to be able to cope with the frustration he felt. There was Fernando again, drooling over Verónica, unable to realize that she was a slut with no codes, an empty shell, and the one thing that Fernando was most far to even suspect, is that Luciano would have endured any consequence, any cost, to be the object of his passion. That was not going to happen, Luciano knew it, and it killed him inside, that's why he remained there, impassive, powerless.
Macarena also had her attention fiked on a spot. She was a shadow, meek and silent, nobody was really aware of her presence. She was happy and contented just by staring at Luciano, because he would never do anything to controvert her fantasies, he would never break her heart, he was waiting for her. Macarena contemplated him as he was leaning against the wall, so serious, so boyish, and that softened her. He was bound to take her hand someday, yeah, like a real gentleman, he was going to turn, he was going to notice her, and he was going to ask for her heart, which was already his to have. That's why Macarena couldn't be distracted, she had to keep staring at him, because her future (her present, and her past) depended on it.
Sabrina brutally made her way, pushing Macarena with a shoulder and interrupting her thoughts. Sabrina had a natural talent to read people, especially herself. She was an animal, no one could get in her way, because she was a femme fatale, and those who didn't know this would find out tonight. There was no escape for her preys, it was futile to resist, so they didn't. And Fernando was no exception, she grabbed him by his belt in the spur of the moment, their bodies colliding, and from that moment on she would own his lips, his neck would be hers too, and in just a matter of hours, all of his body was going to be for her exclusively.
Eventually, the night came to an end, and no heart was satisfied.

Andrés Gutiérrez

photo 1: PartyPic, from http://drama16.info/?tag=party

mayo 29, 2011

How Soon Is Now?

I am the son
and the heir
Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
I am the son and heir
Of nothing in particular

You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way
I am Human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does

I am the son
And the heir
Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
I am the son and heir
Of nothing in particular

You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way
I am Human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does

There's a club, if you'd like to go
You could meet somebody who really loves you
So you go, and you stand on your own
And you leave on your own
And you go home
And you cry
And you want to die

When you say it's gonna happen now,
When exactly do you mean?
See I've already waited too long
And all my hope is gone

You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way
I am Human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does

song by The Smiths
video uploaded by FilmProjectttttttttt to Youtube

abril 21, 2011

Captive Heart

Nunca esperé que ocurriera. Yo gobernaba libremente por los pasillos, me sentía como en mi reino, mi territorio. Pero vi sus ojos, y mi ego se quebró silenciosa pero abruptamente, como cuando se despierta de un sueño profundo.
Mi concentración fue la primera en sufrir las consecuencias, simplemente no podía escuchar a los demás cuando él estaba cerca. Y cuando no estaba, lo buscaba con la mirada. Felizmente, descubrí que compartíamos más espacios de los que había imaginado, y automáticamente comencé a elucubrar planes para un encuentro, ideas que nunca me atreví a llevar a la práctica. Pero en uno de mis operativos de observación clandestinos me descubrió mirándolo, y se acercó a mí. Me puse en alerta, pensé en alguna manera de salirme por la tangente, de escaparme; busqué, a pesar de mi agitación, alguna excusa. Él simplemente sonrió, me saludó y se presentó.
La conversación fluida, mis ojos en los suyos, y su voz rodeándome con una intensidad vaporosa. Hasta que pronunció las palabras... "Mi novia", dijo. Del resto no tengo mucho registro, el sonido del ambiente se volvió turbio bajo el eco de mis pensamientos. Mi expresión debió haber sido lo suficientemente transparente, porque él se dio cuenta de mi súbita abstracción, y la charla murió lentamente.
Cuanto más alto uno se eleva, más dolorosa es la caída. Por suerte yo me encontraba volando bajo, aterrizar en la realidad no fue ninguna proeza, sólo necesité un poco de resignación, un costo muy pequeño para un corazón curtido por la experiencia.
Los días siguientes fueron brillantes, ninguna distracción. Si él estaba en los alrededores no lo vi. Volví a tener color propio. Mi voz sonaba nuevamente para el resto de las personas. Pero fue sólo un segundo, un momento fugaz, y pude ver que no había aterrizado realmente, más bien estaba volando en piloto automático. Él se acercaba a mí, miraba en mi dirección, me miraba a mí, quería hablarme. El suelo se sentía muy real debajo de mis pies, pero no podía confiar plenamente en mis sentidos, siempre había sido un experto en fabricarme ilusiones. Huí.
El resto de la semana fue estable, aunque podía sentir una mirada furtiva en mi nuca. Quizás lo imaginaba. A veces no controlaba mi mente, y mi corazón era un esclavo de las fantasías de una razón imperfecta. Afortunadamente, ni los desvaríos más intensos pueden detener el paso del tiempo.
Era un miércoles, lo recuerdo bien, cuando me vi obligado a introducirme en una situación que siempre trataba de evitar. Y es que detesto los baños públicos, con sus insuficiencias y precariedades, falencias que me incomodan a un nivel casi traumático. Pero no hubo más que superarlo. Lo realmente notorio de ese día sucedió cuando intenté salir, sólo para encontrarme con él de frente, sorpresa que me arrebató el aliento. Sus grandes ojos me prohibían escapar de su mirada, su respiración inhibía a la mía. Luego fueron sus manos en mi cintura las que hicieron temblar a las mías. Y finalmente, sus labios húmedos los que silenciaron los míos. Y despegué, volé tan alto que ya no supe cómo regresar.
Sólo la ironía conoce los mecanismos que pueden transformar un lugar repugnante en un recuerdo narcótico, en un refugio oscuro y seguro, guardián de un secreto vibrante. Así se sentaron las bases, y durante días lo oculto permaneció mudo, hasta que yo pude oírlo. Entre nubes esponjosas me sentí exclusivo, pero sabía que no lo era; ella todavía existía. Yo no quería un secreto, pero así estaba cómodamente adormecido.
Mi cuerpo se movía solo. Fui lo suficientemente débil como para dejar que todo fluya. Sus besos nocturnos se sentían demasiado bien. Volver a dormir en soledad me quemaría por dentro. Y algo no estaba bien. Finalmente encontré la respuesta en la banalidad del cuerpo. Lo nuestro era físico, no podía ser otra cosa. Un capricho, una obsesión. Yo podría haber encontrado a alguien más, pero no quería.
Y así estoy ahora, cautivo, sin control, fuera de mí. Creo que todo se reduce a una simple ley: no hay que hacer lo que a uno no le gusta que le hagan. No puedo pretender indulgencia por algo que yo mismo no podría perdonar. No hay nada que justifique los cuernos. Sé que lo que estoy haciendo está mal, entonces, ¿por qué sigo con él?
Amor no es lo que él necesita, eso es evidente. Y yo no necesito un corazón roto. Mis deseos incoherentes tienden a restarle importancia a eso, y no puedo hacer más que aceptar todo lo que dice. Ya no me reconozco, no sé en qué me convertí.
Así es que voy a rogarle, a suplicar que me libere, porque no soy más fuerte que un adicto a la heroína. Mis sentimientos no son correspondidos, pero puedo racionalizar las cosas si tengo que hacerlo, saboteando todos los intentos de convencerme a mí mismo de que estoy mejor sin él.

I've never expected such a thing. I ruled free through the hallways, it felt like I was in my own kingdom, my lands. But then I saw his eyes, and it cracked my ego silent but abruptly, as if I had just woke up from deep slumber.
My lack of concentration was the first consequence, I just couldn't listen to anybody when he was nearby. And if he wasn't there, I'd look for him with my eyes. As luck would have it, I found that we both shared more classrooms than I had imagined, and I automatically started lucubrating strategies to meet him, many ideas that I never dared to put into practice. However, during one of my clandestine observation sessions he noticed and approached me. I braced myself, trying to figure out how to avoid him, how to escape, and, despite my agitation, I was searching for the right words to excuse myself. He just smiled at me, greeted me and introduced himself.
The conversation was fluid, my eyes were put in his, and his voice sorrounded me like intense steam. Until he said the words... "my girlfriend", he said. I don't really recall much of the rest, the environment became distorted behind the echo of my thoughts. The expression of my face must have been clear enough, because he could tell that I was abstracted all of a sudden, and our little chatter slowly died.
The higher you get, the more painful falling results. Luckily I was flying low, landing on reality was not an amazing deed, it just required a bit of resignation, a small price to pay for a heart already hardened by experience.
The following days were brilliant, no distractions at all. If he happened to be around, I didn't see him. I had a colour of my own again. My voice became present to the others. But it was just a second, a fleeting moment, and I realized I hadn't really landed, at best, I was flying with auto-pilot. He was coming my way, looking my way, in fact, he was looking at me. The ground felt so real beneath my feet, but I couldn't fully trust my senses, I had always been an expert in creating myself devious illusions. I fled.
The remainder of the week was uneventful, though I could feel a glance sneaking from behind. Perhaps it was my imagination playing tricks on me. Sometimes I had no control of my mind, and my heart was a slave to the fantasies of wandering thoughts. Fortunately, not even the wildest ramblings can stop the flow of time.
It was wednesday, I remember well, when I found myself forced into an unpleasant situation, one that I was always trying to avoid. The thing is I hate public bathrooms, as messy and filthy they are, making me uncomfortable to the point of being quasi-traumatic. I had to overcome it. But what was really interesting that day happened right after, when I tried to get out, only to bump into him, with my breath taken away by the surprise. His big eyes caught mine unabling them to escape, his breathing inhibited mine. Then, his hands around my waist caused mine to shudder. And finally, his wet lips made sure mine couldn't disrupt the silence. I took off, soared through such heights that I wouldn't know how to turn back.
Only irony is familiar to the mechanisms that can turn a disgusting place into a narcotic memory, a dark and safe shelter, guardian of a vibrant secret. And that's how it all started, and for days the hidden remained mute, until I could hear it. Among cotton-like clouds I felt like the only one, but I knew I wasn't, there still was her. I didn't want to live behind a secret, but I guess I was comfortably lethargic.
My body had a mind of it's own. I was weak enough to let things go with the flow. His night kisses felt too good. Sleeping by myself again would burn me from the inside. And something wasn't right. I found in the answer in the banality of the body. What we had was physical, it couldn't be any other way. An infatuation, an obsession. I could have found someone else, but I didn't want to.
And that's my current situation, captive, out of control, not myself. I believe everything comes down to a simple law: don't do what you don't like being done to you. I can't expect leniency at all for something that I couldn't forgive myself. Cheating can't be made good no matter what. I know what I'm doing is wrong, then, why am I still with him?
Love is not what he needs, that much I can tell. And I don't need a broken heart. My incoherent wishes tend to leave that apart, and all I can do is say yes to everything he asks or says. I don't recognize myself anymore, I don't know what I've turned into.
So I'm going to beg him, beg him to set me free, 'cause I'm not stronger than a heroin junkie right now. Although my feelings are not corresponded, I can rationalize the facts if I have to, sabotaging all attempts to convince myself that I'm better off without him.

Andrés Gutiérrez


abril 19, 2011

Release Me

Release me
Release my body
I know it's wrong
So why am I with you now?
I say release me
'Cause I'm not able to
Convince myself
That I'm better off without you

Yeah, it's perfectly clear
Love is not what you need
I’d tell you that I don't care
But I don't want to
Anything that you say
I hear myself agree
And I don't recognize
What I've turned into

I don't know why I want you so
'Cause I don't need the heartbreak
I don't know what addictive hold
You have on me I can't shake
No, I'm not in control
So let me go

Release me
Release my body
I know it's wrong
So why do I keep coming back?
I say release me
'Cause I'm not able to
Convince myself
That I'm better off without you

I could sleep by myself
It would burn me alive
Find me somebody else
But I don't want to
Try to leave out the love
That goes against the grain
But I can rationalize it
If I have to

I don't know why I want you so
'Cause I don't need the heartbreak
I don't know what addictive hold
You have on me I can't shake
No, I'm not in control
So let me go

Release me
Release my body
I know it's wrong
So why do I keep coming back?
I say release me
'Cause I'm not able to
Convince myself
That I'm better off without you

I'm not in control
So let me go

Release me
Release my body
I know it's wrong
So why do I keep coming back?
I say release me
'Cause I'm not able to
Convince myself
That I'm better off without you

Release me
Release my body
I know it's wrong
So why do I keep coming back?
I say release me
'Cause I'm not able to
Convince myself
That I'm better off without you


song by Agnes

video uploaded by Cloud9Dance to Youtube

marzo 26, 2011


Soy un adicto. Pero admitirlo no es el primer paso para una cura, eso es mentira. Sólo me permite reconocer sin remordimientos que quiero más, y estoy decidido a conseguirlo. Se siente tan bien cuando tus dedos me tocan y mi moral se desgarra. El mundo se desdibuja, y los contornos se quiebran conmigo.
Nadie puede saberlo. Nadie puede verlo. La noche esconde todas las cosas que nunca pensé que haría, todas las cosas que me gustan. La oscuridad está en todas partes, la oscuridad somos nosotros. El placer más intenso se refugia en la morbosidad del secreto más invisible.
Puedo sentir cómo la temperatura sube, puedo imaginar cómo mi cara cambia de color cuando alguien menciona tu nombre. Una sensación cosquilleante pellizca cada centímetro de mi piel, la recorre toda, la conoce de memoria, igual que vos. La gravedad se vuelve más fuerte y pesa más, y no lo puedo explicar, porque es lo opuesto a esos momentos en que estás conmigo y vuelvo a ser nada, me disuelvo, el soplo más suave de aire me hace temblar. El aire me falta, y sigo temblando. Los espasmos más siniestros se abren paso por mi cuerpo. Es perfecto.
La idea de que alguien nos descubra es deliciosa, inmaculadamente agridulce. Sé que eso no va a pasar. Pero no puedo evitar regocijarme en la expresión de sus rostros, si vieran los restos triturados de mi inocencia, las sombras de mi dignidad. ¿Qué pensarán al verme tan roto, tan potencialmente herido? Masoquismo, eso pensarían.
Sé el riesgo que estoy corriendo, o debería saberlo. Pero la necesidad es más fuerte que el autocontrol, esa necesidad que aparece y mi estómago se cierra. Y entonces pienso en vos, las fantasías invaden mi mente, y los demás se dan cuenta de que no los escucho. ¿En qué pienso?, preguntan. Y me siento descubierto, de repente soy un paranoico modelo. Poco a poco me quedo sin coartadas, se me acaban las mentiras, y aun así no tienen ni idea.
No puedo contárselo a nadie. No soportaría escucharlos decir que el corazón se me va a romper tarde o temprano. Quizás estoy en negación, pero estarían equivocados. Mi corazón está anestesiado, y tus estímulos no tienen la intención de despertarlo. De todas maneras, no querrían saberlo...
Ni yo mismo estoy completamente seguro de querer saber y, por primera vez, me siento cómodo así. La adrenalina no sería tan salvajemente tóxica sin un poco de incertidumbre. Y sigo desvaneciéndome, me estremezco esporádicamente con tu tacto. Tan expuesto donde ni siquiera yo puedo verme. Tan superficial, y tan perdido en las profundidades.
Me ahogo en la promiscuidad de tu mirada, respiro en la humedad de tu beso. El tiempo se dilata, casi puedo sentir con tu piel, casi puedo sentir mi propia piel. Mis ojos se pierden en la oscuridad, tengo calor pero estoy temblando. Espasmos siniestros...

I'm an addict. They say acceptance is the first step towards recovery, but that's bullshit. It only allows me to acknowledge with no guilt at all that I crave for more, and I'm determined to get it. It feels so good when your fingers touch me and my morals are torn apart. The whole world blurs, and contours break along with me.
No one can know. No one can see. The night hides all the things I never thought I would do, all the things I like. Darkness is everywhere, darkness is us. The most intense pleasure takes refuge in the most invisible secret's morbidity.
I can feel how temperature rises, I can imagine my face turning red when someone mentions your name. A tingling sensation pinches every inch of my skin, it runs along it in it's entirety, it knows it by heart, just like you. Gravity grows stronger and it's heavier, and I can't explain, cause it's the opposite to those moments when you're with me and I become nothing, I melt, the lightest breath of air makes me shiver. There's no air, and I keep shivering. The darkest spasms make their way through my body. It's perfect.
The idea of someone finding us is delicious, immaculately bittersweet. I know that's not going to happen. But I can't help rejoicing in the expression on their faces, if they saw the mashed leftovers of my innocence, the shadows of my dignity. What would they think seeing me so broken, so potentially hurt? Masochism, that's what they'd think.
I'm aware of the risks, or I should be. But desire is stronger than self-control, that desire which appears scaring my appetite away. And then I think of you, wild fantasies invade my mind, and the others can tell I'm not listening. What do I think?, they ask. And I feel exposed, I suddenly become a model paranoid. I slowly run out of alibis, lies grow scarce, and yet they have no idea.
I can't tell anybody. I wouldn't bear to hear them say my heart will break sooner or later. Maybe I'm in denial, but they'd be wrong. My heart is comfortably numb, and your stimulation doesn't mean to wake it up. They wouldn't want to know, anyway...
I'm not even sure of wanting to know myself and, for the first time, it feels right. Adrenaline wouldn't be so wildly toxic without a bit of uncertainty. And I keep dissipating, I sporadically shudder at your touch. So exposed where not even I can see me. So skin deep, and so lost in the depths.
I drown in the promiscuousness of your eyes, I breath in the wetness of your kiss. Time dilates, I can almost touch with your skin, I can almost feel my own skin. My eyes wander in the darkness, it's hot but I'm shivering. Naughty spasms...

Andrés Gutiérrez
photo 1: Candles in Love, from http://www.tantra.net.au/
photo 2: Ojo de Color, de http://www.catukun.com